In the early years, thru the teens, publicity items issued by the Christmas Seal division of the American Red Cross are rare. The first pamphlet illustrated is from 1908 and contains interesting original information on the 1907 drive. The pamphlet was printed by Chas. L. Story of Wilmington Delaware, and states that they were the printer of the first US Christmas Seal in 1907. Story at least printed some of the type one seals. When the first printing ran out a printer in Philadelphia, Theodore Leonhardt & Son, took over seal production. Later, beginning in the early 20's Christmas Seal publicity items expanded into bonds, ink blotters, package inserts, posters, and letterheads. Many different letterheads were issued by region every year. Though 1935 is not a common year for letterheads, the pdf file contains a definitive collection of about 30 different.